“Thinking about the health of your employees is not only the right thing to do, it’s also a smart business decision.”
Like just about everything else under the sun these days, we seem to be putting a lot more scrutiny and focus on the workplace. And why not? It’s where we spend the majority of our day. There’s the ‘work is work’ camp who believe that work was never meant to be fun, they pay you for it after all. There’s the ‘work should be fun and rewarding’ camp who believe that each of us should be able to have a role we enjoy. Luckily for us, more and more companies are coming around to the latter camp. Happier bees make more honey. Today’s guest, Gianna Biscontini, is a certified behavior analyst and founder of W3RKWELL. She created W3RKWELL to help other companies understand how to keep employees happy and healthy for the long run.
“We’re trying to make behavior analysis cool because it is cool!”
“While we do want to believe that there’s magic out there [and that we all have free will] at the end of the day behavior is quite predictable.”
Interview Contents
2:20 - Behavioral science.
3:00 - Behavior Analysis.
6:00 - The why behind the action.
7:20 - The only 4 reasons that we do anything.
10:00 - Turning a negative trait into a positive one.
11:00 - Applying behavioral science to the workplace. Organizational behavior management.
13:45 - Improving health behavior in the workplace.
17:30 - The ghost in the machine.
19:00 - Meditation and mindfulness.
21:15 - Free will vs. predictive behavior.
25:15 - Gianna observing people living their day to day lives.
29:45 - How to reprogram someone who was raised with certain behaviors.
34:15 - Creating and open and positive environment.
38:45 - Common things companies are getting wrong in the workplace.
49:15 - Are we just getting too soft and entitled.
57:15 - How can we make policy changes that work for everyone when we all have different needs and desires.
1:03:00 - Changes we can make in our own lives to help us enjoy work more.
1:08:00 - How does Gianna not manipulate people all the time?
1:12:45 - Gianna’s company W3RKWELL.
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