“I can clearly remember the day I left my job driving home, just having a fear, thinking I should turn around right now and ask for my job back. But what I continued to have was a vision of us boarding that first flight…and that was the motivation for us, to reassure all of our fears.”
Raise your hand if you like to travel. Everyone? I see. Now, raise your hand if you like to spend time with your boo thang. Everyone that has a boo thang (sans those who just got in an argument right before reading this)? Just as I suspected. We’ve interviewed for a lot of fun and desirable jobs on Half Hour Intern, but how about getting paid to travel with your boo? That’s gotta be the best job in the world…tied at the very least. Getting flown around, wined and dined, free stay here, free tour there, not too shabby. We all know that travel blogs exist and we’ve probably all wondered, “who the hell are these lucky people and why not me?!” Today we meet the lucky travel blogging couple of Roamaroo. They’ll explain how they got so lucky and what life is like on the other side of the rainbow.
“I remember the nerves, feeling that we had just left everything behind…sold everything we could…we had two backpacks and were boarding that one way flight to Rio.”
“The algorithms continue to change, the new tools continue to change, but in the end it’s just the good content and trying to get it out and be consistent. ”
Interview Contents
3:30 - The story of how this started.
7:00 - Leaving everything behind.
9:00 - The excitement of the unknown.
11:00 - The plan for the original trip.
14:30 - The growth of their audience.
19:30 - The pattern behind going viral.
21:00 - Maintaining and growing traffic numbers.
22:30 - Trying to predict what will do well.
25:30 - Focusing on the content.
26:30 - Various platforms.
28:10 - Reaching out to hotels and airlines.
31:00 - Being an influencer.
33:45 - Conflict and negotiation.
35:45 - Tips for influencers.
37:45 - The current and future revenue model for travel bloggers.
39:45 - Valuing yourself.
40:45 - Choosing opportunities to go after.
42:00 - Coming home.
43:45 - Favorite places in the world.
46:00 - Travel advice.
Michelle & Jim Wortner
Janelle Swanson
Jimmy Seymour