“We spend a lot of every day working, sleeping, how much of your time do you really have for you? You’re lucky if it’s 4-6 hours…You should think of each of those hours as a golden coin and how can you invest those for the greatest return.”
Time. A true currency if there ever was one. Yet, rarely do we consider as diligently as we should if we are spending it wisely. We may shop for good deals on a regular basis, some may even call us frugal, but when it comes to spending our time we give it away to the first thing that comes our way. Today’s guest, Garland Coulson, is a time management consultant and it’s his job to change that relationship. He wants us to be frugal WITH time, and regularly consider how we are spending it. In this interview he’ll give us plenty of tips to help us better manage our most valuable resource.
“Stop multitasking. It has been proven by science to not work…People who are ‘incredible’ multitaskers, if they focus on one task they get even more done.”
“The most hated time management technique is tracking your time. Nobody wants to do it. It’s hard to remember. But tracking your time is kind of like having a doctor do an EKG on your heart to make sure everything is running properly.”
Interview Contents
2:20 - Garland’s focus on time.
4:00 - The way time management changed Garland’s life.
5:30 - Being frugal with your time.
8:45 - When do we get to relax and enjoy ourselves?
12:00 - Common time management mistakes.
16:00 - Breaking a large project down to small tasks.
17:30 - Mistakes executives are making with their time.
18:30 - The easiest change people can make to help manage time.
21:00 - Implementing one thing at a time.
23:40 - The most hated time management technique.
26:00 - Common time bandits.
29:00 - Setting time limits.
31:45 - The way Garland’s life has changed.
33:30 - Is it difficult for Garland to enjoy his free time.
35:00 - Recommendations from Garland.
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