“Some of the stuff that was invented back then and made by hand, people are still really marveling over that they could do that, and just almost figuring out how we can do that today with modern technology.”
Us men are a pretty basic breed. Many of us don’t fuss too much over how we look. We’re in and out of the shower, grab some (hopefully) clean clothes, take about one minute with our hair (if we have any), and that’s about it. But as most women will tell you, it can be fun to dress up. It can be fun to add something to your style that complements your outfit in some way. For women, there is a whole range of things that accomplish this. For men, we pretty much just got watches, and what a great thing to have. They can be so many things to so many people. Need a little something to pull together your outfit? Watches got you covered. Need a statement piece that lets people know how much money or how in debt you are? Some watches cost as much as houses. Need something to tell you what time it is without having to take your phone out of your pocket? Watches. It’s no wonder that so many men, and women, get really into watches. Today we talk with the two founders of Worn and Wound, one of the most popular watch blogs on the internet, about all things watches.
“I grew up around watches…it’s just one of those things that [my dad and I] would relate on. We weren’t really into baseball, it was watches. ”
“They just made a better, more accurate atomic clock. So the atomic clock itself is off every 100million years, and the new one is even more accurate than that.”
Interview Contents
4:00 - The various types of watches.
5:45 - Quartz.
7:45 - The complex engineering of watches.
10:45 - Watch accuracy.
13:15 - The inner workings of a mechanical watch.
16:15 - The great achievement of early watch making.
19:15 - The movement of the watch.
23:15 - The cost and market for various watches.
25:15 - The countries that are into watches.
27:30 - Blake and Zach’s enjoyment of watches.
35:40 - Features people look for in watches.
40:40 - The catapulting cost and value of a watch.
45:10 - Most expensive and favorite watch.
50:30 - Where to buy and sell watches.
53:30 - Description of Worn and Wound.
Michelle & Jim Wortner
Janelle Swanson
Jimmy Seymour